7 Best Image Viewer Apps for macOS

評分4.4(19)·免費·設計/繪圖Picviewisanimageviewerwithaniceminimalmodernuserinterface.itisforphotographers,artists,designersseekingasolutiontovisualizeimagesin ...,評分4.5(167)·免費简介.Picview-看图直达,随点随看,贴图钉图,快速加载,格式众多,EXIF信息...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Picview - Image Viewer on the Mac App Store

評分 4.4 (19) · 免費 · 設計/繪圖 Picview is an image viewer with a nice minimal modern user interface. it is for photographers, artists, designers seeking a solution to visualize images in ...

Mac App Store 上的“Picview

評分 4.5 (167) · 免費 简介. Picview - 看图直达, 随点随看, 贴图钉图, 快速加载, 格式众多, EXIF信息等功能一应俱全。幻灯片播放, 长图优化, 浏览体验无与伦比, Mac平台上的图片浏览好帮手!

Picview - Mac 图片浏览器支持贴图钉图

软件介绍. Picview 是一款随点随看的图片浏览器,方向键翻页看图、鼠标滚轮缩放,支持格式众多。类似Windows 照片查看器的操作风格,看完即走干净利落。

Picture Viewer | 维基麦

Picture Viewer 是隨同QuickTime 程序一起包括的程序,其Mac OS X 「版本」是更強的预缆程序。 它可以打開靜態圖像,例如JPEG、BMP、TIFF 等格式的圖畫。


Phiewer is the easiest and fastest way to view your images, videos and even audio files. It's folder based so you can just browse your media in one window ...

Picview - Image | Photo

A Mac App for image viewer with a nice minimal modern user interface. it is for photographers, artists, designers seeking a solution to visualize images in ...

Release Notes | Picview - Image | Photo

Release Notes. Download. Non-Mac App Store (UMAS) Download, requires macOS 11.5 or later. Picview 1.3.8-50.dmg · Picview 1.3.0-41.dmg.

Pixea - Image Viewer and Video Player for macOS

評分 4.7 (4,500) Pixea is an image and video viewer for macOS with a nice minimal modern user interface. Pixea works great with JPEG, HEIC, PSD, RAW, MKV, MP4 and many other ...

Downloads :: Picview

Apple news, photo galleries, downloads, and discussion forums.

Whats the best image viewer for Mac? : rMacOS

X view is an excellent viewer. I use it on my MacBook Air and my M1 mini and it's free.


評分4.4(19)·免費·設計/繪圖Picviewisanimageviewerwithaniceminimalmodernuserinterface.itisforphotographers,artists,designersseekingasolutiontovisualizeimagesin ...,評分4.5(167)·免費简介.Picview-看图直达,随点随看,贴图钉图,快速加载,格式众多,EXIF信息等功能一应俱全。幻灯片播放,长图优化,浏览体验无与伦比,Mac平台上的图片浏览好帮手!,软件介绍.Picview是一款随点随看的图片浏览器,方向键翻页看图、鼠标滚轮缩...